Monday, January 18, 2016

An open letter to the judgmental people out there

Dear Judgmental person,

  You told me I was too old to have a baby. I freaked out for months before asking my doctor.. She laughed at me.. and said I was the right age. You predicted I wouldn't have any milk because my lactation didn't agree with your timeline. The milk came in on time.. only, my daughter wasn't ready to drink. You told me I wasn't feeding her enough, or dressing her right. You took every opportunity to tell me how she was too small. How conveniently you forget to notice that she is very healthy and quite smart.

 You tell me my baby is crying, yes thank you very much, I can hear that. That is called a tantrum. I don't like giving her a phone or a tablet to entertain her. If you like to do it, I will not judge. You tell me all moms do after dads go to work is sleep with the baby. You are a mom aren't you? How on earth did you get to sleep that much?

You tell me I was lucky to have had a c section. It's nothing when compared to what moms who gave birth naturally felt. Hmm, how about we cut you up? It's nothing right? (I am not belittling the moms who have had a natural birth. Both ways have their complications. and both ways hurt like hell. and I am especially sympathetic to those who went into labor and then had to have an emergency c-sec)

 You make other moms who've had complications feel guilty as if it was their fault. If she works, she doesn't care for her baby. If she's at home, all she does is laze around. The mom who takes care of her baby is paranoid and the one who doesn't(according to you) should not have had the baby in the first place.

Since you know so much.. Let's do one thing... next time you pass a judgement, I will send my child to live with you for a week. Since, you are so good at raising children, I'm sure you'll enjoy running after her.

Every frustrated mother.

P.S : Just pissed off with the amazing inflow of advice I and some friends have been getting off late. Even I have been guilty of being judgmental occasionally. This judgmental person is not one person but many people I and my friends have encountered. Please let people raise their children however they want unless you feel what they are doing may harm their child. Nobody is as paranoid as a parent. So, if they need advice they will definitely ask.