Monday, April 13, 2009

Not at that age!!

I came across an advertisement last week where a little 'bespectacled' girl asks her dad if she is not pretty. Dad replies 'of course beta' without even looking at the kid. and then she says 'but nobody looks at me' . they show her talking to a little guy and he does not even look at her. So dad gets a car and takes the girl on a ride and everybody starts looking at the car while the poor little one believes everybody is looking at her (every body's ogling at the car). And she goes 'Am I so pretty)

Normally I might've considered the AD cute.. but of late I've been subject to a lot of MCism and also a lot of prejudices regarding looks. I have come to terms with the fact that we cannot weed out these prejudices and women (of late men too) will be subject to such insults regarding their complexion or height or the lack of it. I am dead against criticizing or putting down people because of their physical deformities (except overweight coz that is most of the time due to carelessness and needs to be checked) . And considering bespectacled people ugly is one thing I simply cannot tolerate. Excuse the narcissism, but I wear glasses and I think I look equally pretty with or without them.

We have always considered teenagers impressionable and have come across endless discussions on how one should not pressurize them about how they look. I have read hundreds of articles about how such prejudices should not be created and how it creates pressure among adults.

And now these guys decide to regress and create pressure among kids. They have enough things to worry about already (homework growing tall, which cartoon channel to watch). Do we have to create complexes among them about how they look. And also that people will look ONLY if you go around in a car. puhleez!!give them a break.