Saturday, December 11, 2010

What if I deny the truth

I have heard innumerable times that speaking the truth requires courage. But there were times when I used to wonder, how hard is it to speak the truth?

When we were kids, a few of my friends used to complain that I could once in a while, make an effort to be nice to people. I could never fathom what they meant by being nice. To me, being nice always meant, telling people what they 'needed' to hear and not what they 'wanted' to hear. As I grew older I realized , it's not very important to speak the truth always. I had to teach myself that being nice was sometimes more important than being honest and that if people wanted to hear the truth, they ask you.

It took me a few years to understand that speaking the truth is an art. Honesty, if not dealt with properly would leave you with your foot in your mouth, more often than not. That was when I adopted the policy of denying the truth. If I ever had an urge to speak the truth where it was not required, I would deny it. Not to the world outside, but to myself. So that if I believe it was true, I would speak like it was true. Sounds messed up, doesn't it? But it works like a charm, every time. I only made sure, deep down I knew what the real truth was. Too complex?? Maybe.. But it worked for me.

Very recently I came across a truth that I could not digest. I came across something, which I was consciously avoiding for many years. It took me a few weeks to wake up to the fact that, I so badly wanted it to be a lie, that I denied myself the truth. Unconsciously of course, but I was doing it. Okay, now I agree, not only does speaking the truth need guts, accepting the truth needs a lot of courage as well. Took me quite long to accept the truth.And now I have decided I will speak it out. Wish me luck peeps :D